Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Whose it gonna be? David or David??

No surprises here. I figured it was going to come down to these two. But now the question is: Who is America's next Idol?

David Archuleta or . . .

David Cook?

I'm thinking it is going to be Cook but it could be Archuleta. But then again it could be Cook. . .although there is a good chance it could be Archuleta. Oh my gosh - I just can't decide. The only thing I do know for sure is that . . . his first name will be David. The question - WHICH ONE????

Who do you think it will be?


  1. Carol, I'm with you. it could be Cook, but then it could be Archuleta! This is a tough call. I'm leaning a little more towards Archuleta because of all the 14 year old girls out there who are voting, I think Archuleta is more their type.

  2. i totally think it is going to be archuleta...but then again it could be cook. if cook wins than i think that archuleta is going to be the next big disney star, maybe he and hannah montana will hook up?!? i'm leaning towards david ;)
    amy joy


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