Thursday, April 17, 2008

Yummmm. . . .

We ate Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches at "Pat's - King of Steaks today." Cheese steaks are one of the specialties here in Philly. This place is where the sandwich originated back in 1930. It is located in South Philly. They have sliced steak, grilled onions, and cheese whiz on them. You can order it other ways but this is the most common.

When you order at the window they say (in a loud Philly accent), "What cha want?" I said (in my sweet Idaho accent), "I would like a Philly cheese steak sandwich, please." Then he said (again in his loud, rude Philly accent), "Wit or wit-out?" I think he was asking if I wanted it with or with-out cheese whiz. Or maybe it was with or with-out onions! I'm not sure - but I just smiled and nodded. Then he said (in his loud, rude, impatient Philly accent, "Ya gotta pay!" Then he handed me the sandwich - all of this took about 2 seconds. Then you go to another window to order drinks and fries. And pay again. (In case you've never been to Philly, people are naturally rude out here - really different from little ole Idaho! Culture shock!!

But I have to say it was well worth being yelled at because it was really good. It was dripping with greasy, fattening goodness! Oh yeah!

I think we're going back again!! But this time I'll know how to order!


  1. mmmmmmmmmmm that sounds so good im I wish i was there too. Sounds like you two are haveing a blast.

    Love ya



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