Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Winter is here!

We have more snow right now than we have had in several years. We just keep getting one storm after another and the snow just keeps piling up. It's crazy! But what can you expect when you live in Idaho. I think I'm ready to move south for the winter. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment. Hope you are wrapped up in a nice warm cozy blanket. You might want to go get a cup of hot chocolate to warm up after you see these.

The paper guy can't get into our box to deliver our paper.

This is behind our house.

Dont get lost Willy!

Can you find the propane tank?

Sadie hates the snow! Especially when she is in a tunnel of it!

It won't hurt my feelings one bit if Mother Nature decides to come for a visit early this year.


  1. WOW!!!! that's a lot of snow. Did i tell you it was 70 degrees in Philly today :)

  2. We have about that much snow here too!!! It just keeps snowing and snowing and it is snowing as I speak~I mean type!!


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